Wendy's Blog

Aren't these ladies SO cute?Money’s Mysterious Ways

by Wendy Keller

If this hadn’t really just happened, I would think I was making it up.  But I’m not, and it did.

My dear friend Roy has been helping me for free with a project dear to my heart.  A few weeks ago, it came to me that I wanted to thank him, so I wrote a check, put it with a card and wrapped it up with a book I’ve been meaning to send him.  But the  line at the post office was out the door, so I tossed the package in my back seat and meant to order stamps online, but kept forgetting.  Finally, I got the stamps and mailed the package.

Roy wrote me this afternoon to thank me.  He said that just a few weeks before, his old junky car had major trouble. It has been sitting at the garage while he borrowed a vehicle from a friend, because he couldn’t afford the repairs…until he got my check…which was for just $5 less than the exact same amount as the repair bill!

That would be strange enough, right?  But while I was writing Roy back, a brand new friend called me and said, “I have a client for you.”  The deal he offered me (if it goes through) is worth  – unbelievably – precisely ten times what I gave Roy!

I wrote Roy back to share this miracle, of course. I told him these two inspiring money stories:

Five years ago, a guy I know in his mid-70s lost everything through a series of unfortunate events, culminating in his wife divorcing him a few weeks before she was diagnosed with cancer.  Since she was uninsured, he gave her all his money to pay for treatment, just because it was the right thing to do. He is one of those people who always trusts that things will turn out right if you do the right thing. (I wish it came that easily for me!)   Two years ago, he met the woman of his dreams! He’s happy for the first time in the 17+ years I’ve known him. She asked him to come live with her in her gorgeous, spacious, elegant home.

The other story is about one of my soul sisters, in her late 60s. Her life has been one of extreme tragedy.  Long story short, she ended up raising her grandchildren after her daughter’s gruesome death.  She sacrificed everything for those kids!  Now without money, she needed a place to live.  By an amazing turn of events, her girlfriend got married and moved into her new husband’s house.  She gave my friend her lovely vacant home to live in as long as she wishes!

This dear friend is a spiritual teacher.  She says that, “If you learn wisdom as you grow older, you’ll be taken care of in perfect ways at the perfect time.   But if you fail to learn wisdom, resist reflecting on your life, and refuse to grow, your life will keep getting more difficult.”

These coincidences and stories really made me think.

  • I don’t think it matters if you believe these are miracles performed by God, Allah or some other deity.

  • I don’t think it matters if you believe in what some call “The Law of Prosperity” or not.

  • I don’t think it is important if you think this is nothing more than mere coincidence.

I think what DOES matter is that we choose to stop manufacturing fear, lack and scarcity in our minds.  It’s just as easy to focus on what’s good in the world, what’s abundant, beautiful and free – air, nature, beauty, ants, leaves, love;  To celebrate a friend’s success without envy; To give freely of our time, love, support and friendship.

Your money situation may not change the instant you change your thoughts, but you are opening the door to welcome in exactly what you need.

Try it and let me know how it works for you!



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