Wendy's Blog

Take time to smell the mistletoe!

by Wendy Keller

So you’re stressed out, running around, counting down the days until Christmas?*

You’re so busy planning – trips, parties, food, gifts, whatever – that you feel like you can’t even find time to sleep?

You’re already thinking about when this will be over, so you can relax a bit?

Here are THREE simple tips that will put you back on track:

1. Put Yourself On “Pause”

Walk into any quiet place – even the restroom – and just STOP for a minute.  Take five deep breaths, letting your belly expand and contract.  Focus on your scalp, what it feels like. Relax it. Focus on your face. Relax it, even the little muscles around your eyes and mouth.  Move down to your neck, shoulders, arms and so on.  Imagine soothing honey is being poured on your head.  Breathe. Catch up with yourself.  Focus on relaxing, even for just these few minutes.

2. Savor the Moment

Isn’t it ironic that during this alleged time of festivity and togetherness, so many people don’t take time to savor what’s going on?  Challenge yourself to see how many things you can savor today. It only takes a second.  The smell of a pine tree sparkling with lights; the aroma of cookies baking; the scent of fresh flowers; the sound of kids laughing; the beauty of the snowfall; a warm, snuggly bed to crawl into; the hugs of a loved one.  Take a split second to appreciate – to really savor – to relish in the delight of this particular moment in your life. Take a moment to  make it conscious.

3. Spend a Second on Gratitude

In this time of giving and sometimes getting, how much time do we truly spend in gratitude?  Gratitude that you found a parking place at the mall, but also gratitude that you have a roof over your head. That you’ve got people who love you.  That there’s food on your table.  That you are warm and have clean drinking water. When we get dazzled by the avalanche of retail, take time to be grateful for the simplest things in your life – because they are the things you truly cannot do without.

Apply these simple, free, easy 3 tips today and watch how your joy and satisfaction soars!



If you are going through a difficult period in your life, here’s an eBook on how to feel better sooner. It’s my gift of love to you.

Click here to get the free eBook titled

“Handling the Holidays”

(Or get a free copy to give to someone you care about)




*I realize that some of you do not celebrate this holiday, but I live in America where most people do, whether or not they consider it significant from a religious perspective.


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