Posts tagged "pain"

Chances are, if you were drawn to the title of this blog, you know the definition of the word “anguish” all too well. You know it isn’t like “sadness” or “depression”; Anguish is nothing like “disappointment” or “sorrow” nor even, on its own, “grief.”

Anguish is when you are ripped open, body and soul, and metaphorically bleeding on the floor without the strength to even lift up your head.

It’s easy to think things will never change, or that we are powerless to change them. No matter how bad things are, or how depressed you’re feeling, there are three things you can do today to make your life better, starting in this very moment.

Look for anything good, even if you have to look hard. It might be as simple as seeing a butterfly or a colleague bringing you a cup of coffee. You can’t see what you’re not looking for, and when things are bad, we all tend to focus more on the negative and ignore the good. It’s there somewhere. Find it.