Looking for Keller Media?
When I began Keller Media in 1989, I already was an award-winning print journalist. I’d worked for newspapers, magazines, and even for PRNewswire.
My literary agency has sold more than 1,200 deals worldwide, including 16 New York Times best sellers and 6 international best sellers. (That’s when a US author becomes a best seller in another country.)Keller Media is always seeking exceptional new talent. If you have achieved a significant level of success or notoriety and want to be the author of a nonfiction book, we will be pleased to consider your work. Please query at www.KellerMedia.com/query for an immediate response.If you’re not quite at that level just yet, my team and I nurture promising new talent – people with good ideas, big dreams but as yet, few followers or fans. The biggest distance between most authors and a big contract is their platform.
“Platform” means your social media presence, number of speaking engagements, media appearances, size of your mailing list – basically, your fan base. The more you have, the more publishers want you. And if publishers will want you, agents want you. If you have a commitment to your own success, we can show you the path and help you move along it quickly.
You can learn more about Keller Media, our submission guidelines, and what we do at KellerMedia.com.